One day in downtown Richmond, Mr.
Bob-man was chillin with his homies, which included Mr. Duck, the stick
man, and George W. Bush. MR. Bob-man realized that one of his homies was
missing.... then he looked at the decripit Mr. Fluffy and noticed a twitching
leg in Mr. Fluffy's mouth and LD was missing! Then LD immediately popped
out of Mr. Bob-man's ear, causing Mr. Bob-man to have a brain hemmorage
and fall over. Then George W. Bush, otherwise known as Dandan, flew back
to Florida to request a 2,000,000th recount of the votes. THe Floridians
were quite pissy about the whole thing, so they corrupted the whole election
making the new president... CHRIS HAMM! Chris immediately began saying,
"I'm outlawing numbers, expecially the number 7, because i'm a numberist!"
He then, beging the excellent person he is, outlawed democracy and became
a completely ruler, then he was suddenly assissinated by George W. Bush!
George W. Bush savagely ripped Chris heart out and ate it with great dignitude
and strategery as was commonly used in Texas as the death penalty.
Such savergry couldn't be
accepted by his moral democracy ridden followers. Poor Bush, he was not
DEBATABLE! Mr. Duck could NOT accept this treachery. So Mr. Duck found
the little bazooka boy and hired him to shoot sheep at GW Bush. So the
boy stalked down to Florida and asked everyone where he could find GW Bush.
Unfortunately, all the people in Florida were old and senile so they led
him to Jeb Bush instead! WHat a tragedy, Jeb Bush died of the torture devices
Bazooka Boy and Mr. Duck used to find where GW Bush was. Eventually, GW
Bush was found by Mr. Duck. Mr. Duck couldn't stand having this... this...
DEBATABLE man near him, so he told the little bazooka boy to finish him
off. But before he could pull the trigger, Debatable Joe came out! Complete
with stripey tie and evil glasses! All of which blew into bits as he accidently
stepped in front of GW Bush. George W Bush said, "If this youngster haded
had a betterer edumactation then he never woulda stepped out in fronta
a badeded sheep gunn. It's time two increase edumacational spending" At
which point, Mr. Duck came in and symbolically impaled GW Bush with a scrabble
board, ruining Debatable Joe's tie with splattered blood stains. AS he
died, George W Bush said, "As the... President... the question I have to
answer is............... 'Is our children getting an edumacation?'" Out
came Senator George Allen to avegner Bush with his education reforms! AKA
THE SOLS! But didn't know Bush was a SOL as the Bazooka Boy fired a missile
at him. IT missed George Allen and George Allen retored by hurling SOL's
at him. Then suddenly, Al Gore came up and bragged, "I created SOl's THey
were all my idea! And I created the internet! I fought in the Civil WAr!
I mean the War of 1812! Opps I mean World War III!!!! and my grandfather......"
"Hey! You created the SOL's!
DIE!" said the boy as he blew away Gore with the sheep bazooka.